Are you Fearful in Relationships?

When we fill our void with someone, we temporarily fill our wounds with them and become dependent on them. We begin “needing” them. This person in our life is now needed for survival. That is a heavy burden and a lot of pressure for that person. Sometimes, we know this is a band-aid for ourContinueContinue reading “Are you Fearful in Relationships?”

Healing Indecision

Lately my conversations with some of my clients have centered around indecision. Let’s explore indecision from an Internal Family Systems perspective. IFS believes your internal parts are part of an internal family. Indecision within your internal system may be a protector part, protecting you from something. When we are feeling indecisive, it means we areContinueContinue reading “Healing Indecision”

Would you like to feel safety within?

If you want to feel safe within yourself, you need to have a felt sense of safety somatically.This comes from experiencing safety relationally with a safe human being. Typically, this role will be fulfilled by our caregivers. But in cases where the caregiver was unable to provide this safety, we would struggle with feeling safeContinueContinue reading “Would you like to feel safety within?”

Exploring Interoception and Exteroception for Mindfulness Practice

Let’s explore the concepts of Interoception and Exteroception and how they can be used to help individuals stay present in the moment. These can be particularly helpful for Dissociation. As we navigate through our daily lives, it can be challenging to remain grounded and mindful of our surroundings. However, by exploring these two concepts, weContinueContinue reading “Exploring Interoception and Exteroception for Mindfulness Practice”

Happy Holidays

Wishing you joy, love, and peace this holiday season.The holidays can be tough for many people, especially if you are away from family, experiencing grief and loss, or going through a mental health challenge. Happy Holidays to those who may be feeling alone this season, as they are in the process of setting boundaries withContinueContinue reading “Happy Holidays”

Good Enough

A belief of not being good enough is often deeply rooted in Trauma. It cannot be changed cognitively alone, through reality testing. Healing occurs through long-standing relationships where the person’s goodness is reflected back to them over and over again. For how long? Long enough for the right hemisphere to truly take it in.

Hypervigilance – a protective part

Trauma survivors often develop protective parts that help them survive their trauma. One of these parts is called the Hypervigilant part. The Hypervigilant part in Trauma survivors prevents them from spontaneously engaging in day-to-day life without triggering the “alarm system” of the brain. If this is you, start by noticing when your Hypervigilant part becomesContinueContinue reading “Hypervigilance – a protective part”